Friday, May 23, 2014

{Pregnancy Update} The 1st Trimester

My posts don't normally stray too far from weekend outfits and getaways, but I thought with all the changes in my life, it might be perfect timing to get more personal.  What I love so much about blogs are the quick glimpses into the lives of real people, who are open and honest enough to share the good along with the bad....the real stuff.

I hope to use this space to share my pregnancy/baby experiences with family and friends; But largely for myself as well.  To document a journey that I know will change my every way.

I am a little behind on progress updates so I'll try to wrap up the entire first trimester here.  So far, I've been extremely blessed to have had an easy pregnancy.  Except for a few weeks of extreme fatigue, I've had no morning sickness, no nausea, no bleeding or cramping, no weird skin issues (to my knowledge) and no severe aversions to food.  All-in-all I feel pretty much like myself except for my pre-pregnancy pants are starting to hate me just a little bit - they are definitely being stretched to their limits. 

Even with such luck, the one pregnancy symptom I couldn't escape was...worry.  I'm not sure if there is another significant human experience that leaves one feeling so you have absolutely zero control.  Yes, you can eat super healthy and take all your prenatals, but no matter how much you think you're doing everything right, you'll still wonder and worry about how that little creature growing inside is doing.  And it seems the doctors and everything you read just exacerbate the worries with general statements and statistics – 25% of pregnancies end in miscarriage in the first few weeks, bleeding and cramping are signs of miscarriage, don't eat soft cheese or drink caffeine because it will cause miscarriage, high body temperature caused by exercise will cause miscarriage or birth on and so on.  If you weren't worried before, you might be now.

I've learned the true test of faith and trust in God is in this crazy, but miraculous, process of creating a human being. There is no reassurance that the little cluster of cells in your early weeks will develop into a fetus, surpassing the uncertain "miscarriage stage"; and there is no way of knowing your fetus will grow into a healthy human with 10 fingers and 10 toes.  Basically, no guarantees.  All you can do is pray that its God's will.  For me, trusting in that makes the everyday fears of pregnancy a lot more bearable.  If it’s meant to be, it will happen.

Now that I'm in my second trimester (officially in the "safe zone" and supposedly the easiest Tri), I will continue to trust in my faith and do my part so that this baby grows well and healthy...even if it means gaining weight via frequent trips to In-N-Out burger.  Sacrificing for your kids starts the moment of conception after all! :)

I saw this pregnancy list on various blogs and thought it was such a fun way to share weekly updates! Here's mine from my last week in the 1st Tri {which was a few weeks ago now}:

How far along? 13 Weeks

Baby Size: A peach!  He's about 2.9 inches long and weighs about .81 ounces.  He has vocal cords, teeth and even fingerprints (wow!).

Total weight gain/loss:  {Maybe} 2 pounds

Maternity clothes? Not yet.

Stretch marks? Nope

Symptoms:  Amazingly, I feel like I'm having the best hair days of my life and its growing like a weed.

Sleep: So far so good!  I've never had a problem with sleep {I'm out as soon as my head hits the pillow}, so I hope it continues.

Best moment this week: Finding out we're having a boy. Actually found out at 12 weeks.

Worst moment of the week: Being super busy at work when all I want to do is sleep.

Have you told family and friends: Yes!

Miss Anything? Being able to have a glass of wine with dinner.

Movement: Not yet

Food cravings: Candy to keep me going at work for lack of caffeine!!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, thankfully!

Have you started to show yet:  Nope, thankfully...since I haven't started telling people at work yet.  {Keep in mind this is from week 13 which was a few weeks ago.  I have since told EVERYONE.}

Labor Signs: Nope

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Tired but happy.  My husband would probably say moody.  :)

Looking forward to: So many things!  Decorating the nursery, buying baby clothes, and MEETING this little creature who’s taken over my body!

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Awe, I'm SO excited you are posting on here so I can be kept in the loop - so happy for you and J! XOXO
