Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Baby Bump Update: 22 Weeks

Last weekend marks 22 weeks and the first days of summer!  Although here in SoCal,  it seems like summer has been here since…well, since always!!  I really can’t remember the last time I saw rain.

The officially summer kickoff calls for a bright outfit.  This ensemble is not maternity so I was happy it somewhat fits, with the help of a belly band of course.   And I'm totally in love with my fuchsia clutch! Feels slightly too dressy for this outfit, but....I don’t care!  I figure I better get my fill of clutches now since I’ll be exchanging them for accessories more fitting for diaper changes and toddler entertainment once Baby W arrives. :)

Sweater: J Crew | Assymetrical Shorts: Express | Shoes: Tory Burch | Clutch: YSL | Necklace: J Crew {Old}

I have this Merino Tippi Sweater in like every color.  It’s perfect for everything!   It’s actually 30% off during J. Crew’s Summer Sale going on NOW – Use code HISUMMER at  Happy shopping!

Scroll down for my 22 weeks update!

How far along? 22 Weeks

Baby Size: A spaghetti squash!  He's about 11 inches long and weighs approximately 1 pound!!  His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and he's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums.

Total weight gain/loss: 10 pounds

Maternity clothes? Just jeans.  But keeping tops and dresses to stretchy or flowy pieces.

Stretch marks? Nope.  

Symptoms:  Leg cramps at night…ouch!

Sleep: Still pretty good.  I make sure to empty my bladder TWICE each night 30 mins before I go to bed.  It seems to be working so far…

Best moment this week: Getting our stroller and crib bedding!

Worst moment of the week: Can’t really think of any at the moment. 

Have you told family and friends: Yes!

Miss Anything? A really intense workout, like Orange Theory.

Movement: YES, tons!  

Food cravings: Lots of fruit since the weather has been so warm.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!

Have you started to show yet:  Yes definitely!

Labor Signs: Nope

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!  But so busy prepping for our long vacation! 

Looking forward to: Still…completing the nursery and house organization!  

Till next time!


Monday, June 23, 2014

Zucchini cakes {Gluten free}

The summer is officially here and gardens are in full bloom.  Zucchini is one of the easier veggies to grow and boy do they grow!! We have a few great zucchini recipes to share this summer, here is one that has been perfected.  Enjoy!

2 Cup- shredded zucchini
½ Cup- almond flour
½ Cup- shredded cheddar cheese *
2- garlic cloves chopped
1- egg
¼ tsp- garlic powder
½ tsp- herbs de provence
½ C- shredded cheddar cheese 


Preheat oven to 350. Add all ingredients to medium size bowl. Slice the zucchini with a Medellin and remove moisture squeezing it into a towel, add to bowl.  Continue adding ingredients, chopped garlic, almond flour, garlic powder and herbs de provence, lastly add one beat egg.  Mix with hands to combine.  Roll into medium size balls and place on baking sheet then slightly flatten.  Bake at 350 for 5 minutes then broil each side on low for 8 minutes, until golden browned.
*Omit the cheese for a paleo version*
Find almond flour here or at your local Trader Joe's, Mothers market or Sprouts. 

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Summer Holiday

The hubbs and I have been married for 4 years now, and we have done a pretty good job of cramming as much travel in as we could during these years before baby, visiting over 22 countries together!  We traveled {internationally} at least twice a year, sprinkled with weekend getaways domestically - fully taking advantage of all vacation days and every holiday, guilt-free!!  We figured once the kids come, we'll be home bound for countless holidays, and we're blessed to have family nearby and get to see them as often as we'd like.  Obviously a blessing and a curse.  ha!  {Totally kidding, family :)}

Earlier this year, we planned a summer anniversary trip to Portugal.  And in God's perfect timing, it also worked out so perfectly that this trip will double as our BABYMOON!  

My criteria for traveling while pregnant are 3 things: 1) European destination {non developing or 3rd-world}, 2) timed during my second trimester {when the health risks are few, and I'm not yet big as a house} and 3) culture along the coast! Again, even though we planned this trip pre-pregnancy, it falls seamlessly on all 3 things.  So perfect!

So here we go - less than a week from today - we're off to Portugal, Croatia and Germany for 15 days.  It sounds like a lot but I think its just enough time.

Here are just a few places of the beautiful places on our itinerary:

Hvar Island, Croatia

Dubrovnik, Croatia 
{We're definitely taking the Game of Thrones Tour!!!}

Munich, Germany

Algarve, Portugal

Lisbon, Portugal

Porto, Portugal

{All images from Pinterest}

Now, the only problem is....WHAT TO PACK?!?!?  Check back next week; hopefully I will have figured it out by then. 


Thursday, June 19, 2014

My Pregnancy Essentials

Pregnancy changes everything.  The way you feel, the way you look, your skin, your sleeping and eating habits...SO.MANY.THINGS! Adjusting to all the changes can be overwhelming and down right exhausting! Especially since there's soo gadgets, apps, lotions and potions and random stuff everywhere promising to make the entire 9 months the best of your life.  Well, I'm approaching 22 weeks now, and I feel like there are definitely a few things that have made my journey a lot easier and healthier. Here are some of my must haves for the first half pregnancy.  Check it out below!

As I progress through the 2nd half of my pregnancy and onwards to the 3rd trimester, I am sure I'll have a few more to add to the list.

1 - Health
I love everything about The Honest Company.  I started ordering their Wellness Bundle, which includes the Prenatal and DHA/Omega-3 as soon as I found out I was pregnant. Their prenatal vitamins has real food nutrients and include wholesome organic fruits & veggies to ensure optimal absorption. They also contain 1.5 billion beneficial (CFU) live probiotics to enhance digestion, immunity and overall intestinal health. These supplements are free of commonly used binders, fillers, allergens, pesticides and other contaminants, and are tested and certified for quality, purity & potency. Personally I think taking Honest prenatals versus other prescription brands helped keep me feeling good and the nausea at bay! The only downside is that each pill is HUGE, and the daily suggested dosage is THREE of these ginormous pills!  You get use to it...

2 - Fitness: Polar Heart Monitor & Tracy Anderson Pregnancy Project
I wanted this heart monitor (in pink of course) even pre-pregos, but I felt like I needed it more during pregnancy.  I wanted to be able to track my exertion rate since I wanted to continue running, and ensure I was within the safe zones.  While said "safe zones" vary in each person, I felt more comfortable continuing my exercise routine through my first trimester with this handy gadget.  I was actually surprised by the calorie burn by each workout - I guess when you're trying to breathe for two, you're also burning more calories.

I heard such great things about Tracy Anderson's workout routines, so I decided to try The Pregnancy Project and has been such a great addition to my regimen.  Its low-impact focus caters to those suffering major nausea and sickness during the 1st tri, and I love that it incorporates a lot of the barre movements I'm used from Cardio Barre.  If you were pretty fit and active before, these workouts are great when you're super exhausted, which can be often during these 9 months.  It does get a bit harder once you get farther along.  I'll do them once or twice a week in the mornings in conjunction with evening walks for extra cardio.

3 - Skin Care
The thing I was most concerned about during pregnancy was stretch marks!  I know most of that is determined by genetics, but I definitely wanted to make sure I was taking every preventative measure.  Enter Mama Mio!  I love this brand.  I searched and searched for various creams and body butters that smelled good and one that was not greasy or too creamy, and I found that in the Tummy Rub Stretch Mark Butter.  I use the butter in tandem with the Stretch Mark Oil.  The oil just feels good on your skin.  I used the butter twice a day and the oil just in the evenings.  Downside - Its pretty pricey, each costs about $40 for a 4 oz. jar, which lasts just under a month if you use religiously like I do.  But it's so worth it.  Both items, as well as the brand, come highly recommended by various bloggers and celebrities.
And last but not least, I use gold old fashion Coconut Oil {from Trader Joe's} to moisturize everything everything else.

4 - Fashion
I don't think this needs much explanation.  All women love maxi dresses.  But pregnant women live in them! Its comfortable. flowy. and grows with your belly. Period.

5 - Apps
I've downloaded and subsequently deleted MANY pregnancy apps.  Most are just not informative and lack utility.  My faves so far have been "What to Expect" and "My Pregnancy Today / BabyCenter". They both provide great weekly breakdowns on baby's development and easy excess to communities of various topics from Birth Club (moms due the same month) to health & fitness, complications and ultrasounds.

6 - Sleep
The Leachco Snoogle Total Body Pillow is a dream.  I got it just a couple weeks ago and its seriously the best purchase ever!  Its super comfortable and feels like you're being spooned all night! I originally got it to help transition to left side sleeping. Its still a challenge for me to stay on my left since I'm a back sleeper, so this pillow totally helps a lot.

7 - Peace of Mind
Excect for a few weeks of pure exhaustion, I felt pretty good and normal throughout my first trimester, so I wanted to confirm from time to time that he was still in existence...somewhere in my belly!  So I got the Sonoline B Fetal Droppler.  Its pretty amazing!  After initial use, I could find baby's position and heart beat pretty quickly.  From weeks 10-16, I used it just weekly to celebrate his week mark.  :)  I have the 3MHz version and it's the same one my OB's just during our regular visits.

If you have any other recommendations, send them my way!


Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Baby Bump Update: 20 Weeks {Half Way Mark!}

I’ve officially hit the half way mark – Time is just flying by!!

Over the last couple weeks, I think I’ve officially “popped”! It’s now pretty obvious now that I’m pregnant, not just seemingly chubby!  This dress is actually not maternity but it’s super stretchy so it works!  I feel like if I don’t wear fitted, body-con type dresses, I look huge!  This Tildon dress from Nordstroms has been a much so that I bought it in multiple colors! Its classy, stylish, and super affordable at around $30 (on Sale during Half-yearly)! And I know I can wear through most of my pregnancy and definitely postpartum!

Dress: Tildon Nordstroms | Jacket: Hudson Jeans | Bag: Celine {old from 2012, New versions here} | Shoes: Charles David | Sunglasses: D&G

Overall, I’m still feeling pretty good.  This little bowling ball I’m carrying around my belly has really helped me pause a moment and think about what I’m doing before moving too quickly to do things like…umm…moving a big heavy box up 2 flights of stairs, or bend down in ways as if I was as limber as Gabby Douglas — I can tell it’s getting much harder for me to lean down, run as long, stand too long…all that normal stuff.  But I’ve had such an easy pregnancy so far that I can’t really complain!

He’s kicking up a storm, which is by far my favorite thing about being pregnant.  Many people say that they have an instant connection with their baby right away, but for me, it’s definitely grown as I’ve gotten further along.  Now that he’s kicking and moving and reminding us every day of his little existence, he’s becoming so real to me and it’s a good feeling.

My 20 week update below....

How far along? 20 Weeks

Baby Size: A Banana!  He's about 6.5 inches long and weighs about 10.2 ounces.  He's got taste buds and gulping down several ounces of amniotic fluid each day!!

Total weight gain/loss: 9 pounds

Maternity clothes? Just jeans and pants so far.

Stretch marks? Nope.  While mostly hereditary, I heard the key to preventing (or limiting) stretch marks is gaining weight a steady and healthy rate.  Fingers crossed my luck continues.

Symptoms:  Not much

Sleep: Still OK. I got the Snoogle Body Pillow and its AH-MAZING!!!  Might keep it post baby!

Best moment this week: Started to clean house and make room for baby, and designing his nursery!

Worst moment of the week: Can’t really think of any at the moment. 

Have you told family and friends: Yes!

Miss Anything? Eating salami and soft cheese like brie (my fave!).

Movement: YES, tons!  You can start to see and feel from the outside so Daddy gets to enjoy it too. 

Food cravings: Sprinkles red velvet ice cream!  Good things Sprinkles close to my house.  ;)

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!

Have you started to show yet:  Yes definitely!

Labor Signs: Nope

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!  Our European Babymoon is coming in a couple weeks {more on that later!}.

Looking forward to: Completing the nursery and house organization!  Feel like it’s taking forever…

Till next time!