Saturday, June 21, 2014

Summer Holiday

The hubbs and I have been married for 4 years now, and we have done a pretty good job of cramming as much travel in as we could during these years before baby, visiting over 22 countries together!  We traveled {internationally} at least twice a year, sprinkled with weekend getaways domestically - fully taking advantage of all vacation days and every holiday, guilt-free!!  We figured once the kids come, we'll be home bound for countless holidays, and we're blessed to have family nearby and get to see them as often as we'd like.  Obviously a blessing and a curse.  ha!  {Totally kidding, family :)}

Earlier this year, we planned a summer anniversary trip to Portugal.  And in God's perfect timing, it also worked out so perfectly that this trip will double as our BABYMOON!  

My criteria for traveling while pregnant are 3 things: 1) European destination {non developing or 3rd-world}, 2) timed during my second trimester {when the health risks are few, and I'm not yet big as a house} and 3) culture along the coast! Again, even though we planned this trip pre-pregnancy, it falls seamlessly on all 3 things.  So perfect!

So here we go - less than a week from today - we're off to Portugal, Croatia and Germany for 15 days.  It sounds like a lot but I think its just enough time.

Here are just a few places of the beautiful places on our itinerary:

Hvar Island, Croatia

Dubrovnik, Croatia 
{We're definitely taking the Game of Thrones Tour!!!}

Munich, Germany

Algarve, Portugal

Lisbon, Portugal

Porto, Portugal

{All images from Pinterest}

Now, the only problem is....WHAT TO PACK?!?!?  Check back next week; hopefully I will have figured it out by then. 


1 comment:

  1. So excited for you two! I would love to see a packing post. Exactly what you brought, how much space it took and what you actually wore. :)
