Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Baby Bump Update: 20 Weeks {Half Way Mark!}

I’ve officially hit the half way mark – Time is just flying by!!

Over the last couple weeks, I think I’ve officially “popped”! It’s now pretty obvious now that I’m pregnant, not just seemingly chubby!  This dress is actually not maternity but it’s super stretchy so it works!  I feel like if I don’t wear fitted, body-con type dresses, I look huge!  This Tildon dress from Nordstroms has been a lifesaver....so much so that I bought it in multiple colors! Its classy, stylish, and super affordable at around $30 (on Sale during Half-yearly)! And I know I can wear through most of my pregnancy and definitely postpartum!

Dress: Tildon Nordstroms | Jacket: Hudson Jeans | Bag: Celine {old from 2012, New versions here} | Shoes: Charles David | Sunglasses: D&G

Overall, I’m still feeling pretty good.  This little bowling ball I’m carrying around my belly has really helped me pause a moment and think about what I’m doing before moving too quickly to do things like…umm…moving a big heavy box up 2 flights of stairs, or bend down in ways as if I was as limber as Gabby Douglas — I can tell it’s getting much harder for me to lean down, run as long, stand too long…all that normal stuff.  But I’ve had such an easy pregnancy so far that I can’t really complain!

He’s kicking up a storm, which is by far my favorite thing about being pregnant.  Many people say that they have an instant connection with their baby right away, but for me, it’s definitely grown as I’ve gotten further along.  Now that he’s kicking and moving and reminding us every day of his little existence, he’s becoming so real to me and it’s a good feeling.

My 20 week update below....

How far along? 20 Weeks

Baby Size: A Banana!  He's about 6.5 inches long and weighs about 10.2 ounces.  He's got taste buds and gulping down several ounces of amniotic fluid each day!!

Total weight gain/loss: 9 pounds

Maternity clothes? Just jeans and pants so far.

Stretch marks? Nope.  While mostly hereditary, I heard the key to preventing (or limiting) stretch marks is gaining weight a steady and healthy rate.  Fingers crossed my luck continues.

Symptoms:  Not much

Sleep: Still OK. I got the Snoogle Body Pillow and its AH-MAZING!!!  Might keep it post baby!

Best moment this week: Started to clean house and make room for baby, and designing his nursery!

Worst moment of the week: Can’t really think of any at the moment. 

Have you told family and friends: Yes!

Miss Anything? Eating salami and soft cheese like brie (my fave!).

Movement: YES, tons!  You can start to see and feel from the outside so Daddy gets to enjoy it too. 

Food cravings: Sprinkles red velvet ice cream!  Good things Sprinkles close to my house.  ;)

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!

Have you started to show yet:  Yes definitely!

Labor Signs: Nope

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!  Our European Babymoon is coming in a couple weeks {more on that later!}.

Looking forward to: Completing the nursery and house organization!  Feel like it’s taking forever…

Till next time!

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